Are you part of a couple that already engages in playful spanking games or intimate play? Then this may be for you. If you already play freely with each other, this is an opportunity to expand your creativity and/or learn some new tips and tricks.
With access to Ms Marwood’s vast array of implements and her 20+ years of expertise you will learn new techniques and gain new skills with tools you may have never incorporated before. Up the ante and add to the delicious embarrassment of your comeuppance as your partner witnesses Ms Marwood tanning your bare bottom, your partner’s behind, or both! Pick Ms Marwood’s brain for new games and themes to take home and explore together. The new and spontaneous mischief and magic you can explore together is there for the taking!
Spanking Lesson sessions are for people who are already open to playing spanking games with their partner but one or both partners are novices. Spanking is an activity that has the potential to be physically harmful if not done correctly and should not be undertaken willy nilly. Spankers need to understand the physical areas that are safe for impact play, and which spots to avoid. They need to make sure to familiarize themselves with the effects of the various implements as well as how each can feel to their partner and, therefore, the degree of forcefulness with which to wield them. Every person’s tolerance level is different. Without this awareness a fun exploration can turn sour fast! As Mom used to say: It’s all fun and games till someone loses an eye! ( No, Silly! No one has ever lost an eye in a spanking lesson.)
In Ms Marwood’s Spanking Lessons you and your partner will have the substantial advantage of sampling as many of Ms Marwood’s almost infinite collection of spanking tools as your hearts desire, in addtion to instruction on techniques. One or both partners get to practice with any and all items in a safe way, before advancing to using them on their partner with only moderate forcefulness.until control and aim have been mastered.
Partners also have the opportunity to get immediate feedback from their “victim” and advice from Ms Marwood in real time to help them improve and achieve the most enjoyable methods for all concerned. Ms Marwood can also share information on purchasing implements and offer recommendations on the best types to suit your specific preferences …and pocketbook. You’ll both enjoy an informative and socially engaging experience and leave with a greater sense of comfort and confidence.
If your significant other has rebuffed your attempts to even talk about experimenting with your spanking interests you are far from alone. Sometimes this is because someone has a genuine dislike for such things for strongly established reasons that are unlikely to change. Everyone is entitled to their preferences and tastes. But many times a partner’s reluctance to consider even dabbling in these passtimes is not so much a judgment or an aversion but more due to total unfamiliarity: a fear of looking foolish or a concern that, in their inexperience, they could harm their mate.
Couples Tutorial Sessions have proven extremely successful in not only dispelling misconceptions and surmounting self-consciousness, but also encouraging exploration by creating an environment of judgment-free play.
The session begins with a welcoming social visit in Ms Marwood’s homey living room where everyone can relax, be themselves and feel safe. It will be clear to the novice that nobody is going to be pressured to do anything. At some point, everyone will be invited to proceed to the spanking room where the novice can be exposed to various implements and accouterments. They are free to handle them or not. Generally, Ms Marwood will do a playful spanking demonstration with the novice’s partner. In this atmosphere of pressure-free fun most novices are often amused, start to relax and, at the very least, become curious.
No one is ever pressed to participate, but most will at least take a shot at giving their partner a few good smacks or whacks on his bare bottom. Let’s be honest, every relationship has its share of cranky moments and a lot of novices start to realize that there are times when their mate deserves some real attention-getting consequences for an annoying habit or two! They actually can see the benefit of incorporating their partner’s corporal discipline interests into their actual daily life, if only on occasion. In some cases, talking and debating about chronic “bones of contention” lead mostly to frustration. The novice actually sees a new world of opportunities opening up by using spankings to acquire more “cooperative action”in the relationship. This participatory outcome is not the most common, but in no case has a couples tutorial session made things worse for either party. It often results in an openness to a little experimentation and, in most cases, it eradicates that former undercurrent of tension that had grown out of one partner’s previously unexpressed needs. In all instances a couples tutorial is a fun, playful… an out of the ordinary and information filled experiment that concludes on a positive note, leaving couples with a positive shared experience they can smile about for years to come.
Email or call Ms Marwood and set up a free phone consultation to discuss your session plans.
**There are no sexually related activities offered or permitted in any of Ms Marwood's session. That would be naughty!!
***Ms Marwood is a coach and not a licensed therapist. All mental health issues should be referred to a qualified professional.